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Thoughts & Inspiration

My name is Caitlin.


I’m a photographer, a writer, a crocheter, a reader, and a child of God.  That last part is the source of everything else.   I am saved by grace, and I thank God for the blessings He continually pours into my life.
My main interests in life include journaling, Harry Potter, and Wheatus.  I also thrive on the music of Relient K, O.A.R., and The Shins.  I am incessantly drinking Arizona tea.

I was born in Gainesville, Florida while my mum was in graduate school.  I spent my days on the back of my father’s bicycle, riding the streets of town, only to go home to watch Zorro and Popeye.  My first word was “alligator”.  When I was five we moved to Jacksonville and I acquired two brothers.  I’ve spent the remaining of my life, thus far, here, in a city where it takes 45-minutes to get across town (and everything is always across town) and everything closes at 9p.  I went to a college prep high school (Paxon) and was the school’s photographer.  I was also in the drama club productions and on the thespian troupe.  Now I’ve just started my sophomore year in the city’s community college where I have covered the pre-reqs for five different majors– Education, English, Religion, Philosophy, and Journalism–but am just starting my first Gen Ed classes. You know, the classes I actually HAVE to take.  I’m majoring in English and Religion these days.  My dream job is to be a photojournalist for Sports Illustrated. I plan to be an ESE Kindergarten teacher.

When I was young, I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything. I used to think, “How can I die without seeing every inch of this world?”
I look forward to meeting you all!

4 responses to “Caitlin Rulien”

  1. Hi ya Caitlin!! Welcome to our fabulous team!! It will be so great to have another awesome person be a part of the journey we are going to take together! Thats so cool that your a photogropher!! Im sure you will have a great time using this is Kenya! If you have facebook, a bunch of us have started a group so come join us!!
    Much Love, your sister in Christ -Alyssa

  2. !!!!!!!!
    you sound SOO upbeat in EVERYTHING you say. i absolutely love it! i love that you’re a photographer. i can NOT wait to meet you, dear. i’m praying for you as you get ready for this trip =]

    a whole bunch of blessings on you!

  3. Well, you are just a quirky little thing aren’t you! haha! I found myself giggling through your entire post! I’m stoked to meet you. You seem like a super fun girl with lots of energy, those are the kinds of people that I like to hang with cause it seems to balance out! haha!

    I hope to see you on facebook! Have an awesome weekend!

  4. Ha! I love it…Zorro was a staple for me too…hilarious!
    Can’t wait to meet ya girl!