
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story. Upon graduation from university, I am at a cross roads in my life. There are many options to pursue in this world and so decision is not taken to lightly. Ever since graduation from high school, I always felt that I should get involved in a short-term missions trip, however I let education take precedence and decided to follow it instead. Now with schooling finished, this is the time to do something that I have felt God always nudging my heart to do. I want to heed, listen and obey Christ’s calling for my life, and although faint, a current discontentment with life has emerged with regard to future directions, and now I feel his calling. I feel that I need to really give and push into God to find his will for my life and through placing him way up front, he will lead me. Although this trip will defiantly place me in hard times, I look forward to deepening my relationship with God through simple servant-hood and obedience to his call.