
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Hey everyone, first of all I am glad to say that I am excited to be off to Kenya with the rest of you and am sure that we will have a truly excellent time. I am praying for our group that God will prepare each of us to for this amazing life-changing trip. This trip is a real step of faith and I look at getting out of my comfort zone to pursue God further!

Humm, a little write up that is brief, that we can all read about each other… Well…I come from a large family and have 5 other siblings. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and I will be glad to escape winter for this trip. Playing sports is something I enjoy, specifically basketball, football, volleyball, and recently …lawn bowling! lol, after I turned 23 and “slowing down” ha. Other enjoyable activities include enjoying the outdoors and taking trips with my friends. If anyone is down, maybe we can go after some of the more “cultural” food over there, and as I like to experience authentic Kenya (I know we will).

Things that I love include: trying new things and pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I try to apply this to all settings.

Things that aren’t so enjoyable: … writing, this took like forever for me to complete.

I am looking forward to building strong lifelong friendships and growing in God in unexpected ways. One thing I remember from a last missions trip that I was on was the importance of flexibility in missions. Everything was always changing and this would keep us on our toes, I look forward to all the change.

Recently I have just completed the last of my schooling, which is at the University of Alberta…(a Canadian University) and will receive a Bachelor of Commerce. 
Right almost forgot, my name is Dean Spronk.