
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As we head into the end of October and we can see November just around the corner, Kenya is only a couple months ahead of us. Current life is rounding up with midterms just about finished and now we are preparing for the finals. Getting ready to pack up for school and getting ready to say goodbyes to friends. Also with my concussion, dealing with neurologists, sport therapists and the school and government and living through each day. Sometimes with it all its hard to think that in a couple of months we are going to Kenya. I am very excited for this opportunity. God has been teaching me alot lately and i look forward to seeing what He has in store!
My expectations, worries, thoughts, prayers, and hopes for this trip..

1) I expect to come away changed… “Im not who I was!”
2) I hope to grow amazing relationship and touches the lives and be touched my the Africian people.
3) I expect to grow deep spiritually.
4) I expect to learn more and experience the power of prayer.
5) I expect my worldview to be changed in a big way.
6) I want to see God move and work in glorious ways.
7) I expect to be stretched beyond my limits.
8) I expect to be fully open to all God has planned for me to do
9) I probably will get homesick a little.
10) I expect to feel comfortable in Africa and focused in the ministry we are doing.
11) I expect to make life long friends.
12) I am excited for fun times.
13) I expect to see amazing hand of God`s creation in the beautiful landscapes. 
14) I will be taking tons and tons of pictures:)
16) I look forward to being with the kids and getting to know them:)
17) I probably will fall in love with Africa and not want to leave.
18) I pray that we all are fully commited and ready to hear and move in God`s power.
19) I am praying for team and individual safety and preparation both pre and during Kenya. 
20) Please pray for my concussion condition and the daily struggles that come along with it. Also for daily strength regarding decisions on how to treat this. 
21) I`m worried about my health
22) I am worried about my peanut allergy
 23) I`m going to miss everyone at home alot:) 
24) I hope to see many added to the family of God
25) I can`t wait to see the amazing things God has in store for us in our ministry efforts and our time there.


4 responses to “Expectations for Trip”

  1. hey!

    Im so excited to see our world view change dramatically too!
    I cant believe its right around the corner, time is going by fast. I pray it doesnt go by this fast in Kenya!

    Your in my prayers!

  2. Your excitement for this trip inspite of all that is going on in your life is so encouraging. I also finished midterms and now am looking to finals in December. I understand how demanding school can be. It also sounds like you have more that just school and Kenya preparations on your plate. Stay encouraged. We will make it to Kenya and it will be the experience of a lifetime 🙂

  3. yeah, kenya is soo soon! it’s almost unbelievable. and there’s still so much to do, so much to prepare. on top of that, it’s the holiday season! which is also slightly exciting. kenya of course is SOO much more exciting =]
    i’m with you on being changed. i really want to come back a different person. maybe not in everything, but certain aspects. like certain perspectives, goals, attitudes. and i definitely expect to be stretched beyond my limits. i don’t know why, but right now, i’m actually looking forward to that. it will most likely be painful and hard, but it won’t ever be more than we can handle!
    thank you for your prayers, dear! i’m always praying for you and your health! stay completely blessed!

  4. “I expect to feel comfortable in Africa and focused in the ministry we are doing.” -you’re ready for this, girl! May you be blessed in your excitement and hunger for God and His will in your life. You’re a blessing to us!
    Love, Katie