
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m full and overflowing with hope, excitement, and anticipation for our mission trip together!  This blog is a little weird for me to do because I’ve learned through experience that my expectations often lead to disappointment, however with this experience, I know full well that no matter what expectations I have, I will not leave disappointed
I’ve definitely been contemplating whether or not to even allow myself to have expectations of this trip, but I’ve come to this conclusion: When I put my expectations in worldly things, disappointment is sure to follow, because my heart seeks so much more than what this world offers.  But when my expectations are in the Lord, in what He has planned and what my role will be in His body of believers, I know and trust that my heart’s desires will be matched and exceeded, because that is how good God is.  So that being said, here’s my list!  ๐Ÿ™‚
  • I expect to learn and experience further the power of prayer
  • I expect to make life-long friends and develop a lasting bond with you!
  • I expect to get sick, sick, sick…and have days where I miss home terribly
  • I expect to feel at home in Africa, and not want to leave
  • I expect to feel every kind of emotion possible
  • I expect to stretch myself beyond my limits and give more of myself than ever before
  • I expect to rely wholeheartedly on God’s word and hold tight to the Truth
  • I expect to see God move and work in glorious ways
  • I expect to love each of you and the African people deeply and unconditionally
  • I expect us to develop meaningful relationships with those in Africa, and for us to support each other through prayer and love always
  • I expect to see some amazing sunsets and landscapes
  • I expect to have my heart broken daily by the poverty and hunger of the African people, both physically and spiritually..but I also expect to see hope and beauty among the mess
  • I expect to be the church
  • I expect to be dirty and gross the whole time…sorry, teammates! ๐Ÿ™‚ haha
  • I expect to have my worldview blown apart and my horizons to be taken to the next level
  • I expect to come home feeling unworthy of the life I have and wanting to give it all away!
  • I hope to see many people be added to the family of God
  • I hope I can take a googilion pictures and hours of video!
Here’s my biggest expectation, hope, and prayer for this trip: That we would go with a willing and glad heart, be transformed into the image of God, serve with unending joy and sacrifice, and return as a completely different person.
Like the lyrics of Brandon Heath’s song say, I want this to be true of me: “I’m not who I was.”



5 responses to “Expectations of my Mission Trip”

  1. I love that saying, “Im not who I was” because that is really what this trip can be, let us be willing to open ourselves up to be transformed and to radiate the light of Christ in our lives!

  2. Katie, I can tell that we are going to become fast friends. We have so many similar expectations. I can’t wait to feel the power of prayer that you expect too to experience. In America, it seems that we rely so much on worldly things that we forget who really our God, the maker of us and all around us. Last night I was reading the book of Malachi (its a short but powerful one. As I read it it was like God was speaking personally to America how he is tired of half-hearted worship! He wants all of us and I fully expect us to truly do that in Africa!

    I am so excited to meet you! Are you on facebook, you probaby are my friend already and I just don’t know. I will check it and send you a message! God be with you and bless you Katie, I can’t wait to meet you!

  3. i love your awesome assurance in God and not being disappointed! you won’t be! ๐Ÿ™‚
    i love how you put it: “I expect to feel every kind of emotion possible” i’m looking forward to that!
    i’m praying for you, katie! i’m so excited to be there when God works on you and changes you!

  4. I love your determination!! Determination to seek after God will never be disapointed!! Can’t wait to meet you in person and grow together!