
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this 

mission trip. So here are some of the up close and personal things that I expect, hope for and fear

What I expect….

 I’m expecting to have my heart broken. Broken in ways that I can not imagine now. To see people as God sees them. I truly believe that Gods heart is broken every time he looks at this earth. It break for the lost and the hurting, not just the physical but the spiritual. I pray that I can see the people I encounter  with this view and base my actions upon it. 

  I’m expecting to make great friends. Friends that will last a lifetime. I know that we will not all see eye to eye on all issues. We have different likes and dislikes but Im confident that our common bonds of loving God and wanting to love others will bring us together.

  I expect to miss my family. I have never been away from family for more than a month and it will be hard sometimes. I will miss telling my mom everything like I do now but I look forward having to rely on my team that much more.

  I expect to grow in my relationship with God like never before.

  I expect to have days where I just want to go home but then never really want to leave.

  I expect to be very, very tired sometimes. Probably so tired that I get sick at some point.

  I expect jet lag to be really rough.

  I expect to miss dancing.

  I expect  for there to be really hard times once I get home, times that I really miss Kenya and my team.

  I expect to experience life like most people only dream of.

What I hope for….

 I hope to truly learn and love the African culture, the food, language, life and heartbeat of the beautiful people in Kenya.

 I hope to learn more of what God has planed for my life.

 I hope to learn how to cook really good Kenyan food!

 I hope to learn African style dance.

 I hope to gain a new appreciation for all I have at home.

 I hope to learn all about myself and have a blast doing it.

 I hope that there will be at least one of my team members that I will become the closest of friends with.

What I fear or what I’m not looking forward to….

 I hate snakes and Kenya has quite a few of them!

 I’m worried that I might get left out of or miss important things that happen to my friends and family.

 I’m afraid of not being able to re adjust to life when I get back.

 I’m worried that when I share my experiences with others, they wont be able to relate.

 I’m worried that my funds won’t come in on time.

Al these things, my hope, fears, expectations, I give them to you God. Do with them as you please. Take my life, my will, all that I am. I leave them here.