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How I was called to the mission field.

I accepted Christ in middle school after moving in with my
friend’s family. After my freshman year of high school, my mentor at the time
had asked if I’d ever though about missions. He challenged me to go to apply to
go to Venezuela for two weeks. We worked in the jungle among the Yanamo people.
It was on the plane home that I knew I wanted to go back. Through high school I
began to take more of a leadership role and worked at a camp for a summer,
among the Kitchen staff. Senior year of high school I got to work as an intern
for my youth group and got to mentor students. My current mentor challenged me
to think about ministry and missions. She told me to view daily life as a
mission field, I entered college and began helping out with Campus Crusade for
Christ and sharing God on our dark campus. One of my friends decided to take
off a semester to go to Peru, she knew I wasn’t enjoying being stuck in a
classroom and that told me to think about the purpose God had for me. I began
to pray about where God wanted me and over I had remembered a friend at my home
church telling me to check out AIM’s program. After looking at the website and
praying about the different ministries, I applied to go on a three month long
mission. My pastor at the church I attend while in school; had just returned
from Kenya. Him and his family lived there for three years and as they began to
share their experience I felt God calling me to go to Kenya this next semester.