
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

 We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story.

“Here I am, send me.” This is my thought for this trip. I have always had a heart for missions. Growing up hearing all the stories of the poverty and trouble in the world and how blest we here in North America are, I have always longed to go and help others and bring Christ to the world. Throughout the years I have looked into many mission opportunities but for one reason or another I haven’t done much more than the looking. Back in February I suffered a serious concussion. My whole life was tossed in air as it did not heal properly and no one seemed to know exactly what was going on and what to do about it.  The doctors were uncertain of what was going on; basically they told me my life was on hold. The summer was long but God used my time of having to do nothing other than rest to open my eyes and teach me a lot. I had never really had much direction for my life and over the summer I felt God leading me to look into doing missions for second semester, I was already looking at a shorten school schedule due to my concussion. I started searching online and talking to people looking for a mission’s opportunity for a couple of months and preferably with people my age. I came across AIM and saw they had exactly what I felt called too. As the application was going through and the initial acceptance stages there were many obstacles that arose that I almost said can I do this. I still felt though that God wanted me to go on this trip so I prayed and said Lord if this is your will I know you`ll lift these obstacles and in each situation he overtook each obstacle just in time.  This opportunity is a new turning point in my life. A time to do work not for myself but give myself over to the Lord`s service. I am very excited to see all that God has in store as and the amazing things that he will teach me and the faith growing that will happen as a result of the preparation and experience. I look forward to meeting and working with you all as we go forward and do the Lord`s work in Kenya. My prayers are with you all as we prepare for this endeavour together.

God bless,


2 responses to “How I was Called to the Missions Field”

  1. it sounds like you’ve been through a whole lot, rachel. but Jesus saw you through it all, and gave you this awesome opportunity to serve in Kenya! it’s so beautiful.
    i know exactly what you’re talking about, God taking away the obstacles to show you that this is what he wants you to do. he is awesome, huh? =]
    i’m praying for you!

  2. Rachel your attitude towards life is amazing! You have been through manny things and God is proud of you for you willingness to serve! I think he is really teaching you how all things work together for those who love him!