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Kenya Visa
When you arrive at the border you will have a $50 Visa Fee that you will have to pay.  You need to have this in US Dollars and you need to have the exact bills to pay it.  No change will be given at the border.
Yellow Fever Certificate

You are required to show your Yellow Fever Certificate at the border crossing.  Do not pack that in your check in, have it with you!

See you in a few days!!!!!

2 responses to “Important Information”

  1. Thanks for letting us know about the $50 dollar visa charge. I was unaware reading through all the paperwork, that the visa charge was not apart of the 4500 dollar fund fee. Im confused concerning what other charges we all may encounter that will not be covered. You have told us not bring a large amount of cash but none of us want to frequent the ATM because of charges on our account. I would appreciate updating us all confirming the total cost, and any charges concerning the flight from atlanta to amsterdam and amsterdam to kenya and back. Meaning baggage charges, regarding our single duffle bag and our carry on and also including the bag brought for ministry supplies and what charges will be covered.