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Hey, I’m Katie! I’m 19 years old and live in Salinas, CA, about 20 minutes from the beach.  I love camping and other outdoor activities, rollercoasters, kids, high school students, spending quality time with people, Rambo movies, the beach (of course!), reading good books, sketching, and eating Mexican food!  My buds say I laugh at everything, but I like to think of it as being optimistic!  I currently work as the Student Ministries Assistant at my church and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being involved in the junior high and high school ministries. 
I grew up in a Christian family, and my high school years were definitely the most formative years for my relationship with the Lord.  Now, after several years of following, wrestling, and loving God more and more, I’m so ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in a new, deeply tangible way. 

7 responses to “Katie Searcy”

  1. YAY!

    yeah when i 1st read that you were CA i was stoked!
    I live in the San Fernando Valley about 15 minutes from Universal Studios.
    woot woot!

    oh, and yeah IN&OUT is the greatest fast food joint. Hahaha i eat it like 3 times a week, i know that’s a bit obsessive but its so good! (we have to figure out a way to bring some to Kenya hahah).


  2. Hey Katie!
    I am so envious that you live by a beach!
    I can’t wait to meet you =)
    Paige Mackie

  3. Hiya!!! Im so envious, you live by the beach πŸ™‚ Im so excited to meet you!
    Hope you gave a great week:)

  4. Hey Katie! I am so excited to be apart of the Kenya team. I look forward to meeting everyone. Your from CA, that is awsome, i have lots of friends from CA and in CA. πŸ™‚ I hope it stays warm for you, it is kinda cold these days in OR.