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Thoughts & Inspiration

My name is Laura Koornneef. I’m the eldest of four. I’m a Canadian, eh?  I live in Courtice Ontario, with my mom and dad, my siblings and my three kitties. I found this missions trip three days before the deadline, after looking around for a long time, and I really feel that it was a part of God’s plan, so that I can’t slack on deadlines like I usually do, and to jump in right away and trust Him! 😉
I’ve been in chef school for the last two years, but I’m no candidate for Iron Chef, and I’ve felt like God’s calling me to some other career choice. Currently, I’m taking some time off school to think about where God is leading me. This process is also known as I’m working for Tim Hortons and doing household chores until something sparks my interest.
I live for summers, since I was 14 I have worked for Bible Centred Mission’s: Mill Stream Bible Camp. The missionaries, joke with me that I’ve done just about every possible job at camp! This summer was defiantly the pinnacle of my time: I trained myself to be program staff (scheduling, leading activities etc), got to council the whole camp, and learned I could work off extremely few hours of sleep. 16 hour days starting at 5:30AM all summer long… ohhh la la!!!  
All this time at camp probably tells you that I love working with children, I love drama (as in acting lol, not arguing!)  and most importantly I love serving the Lord. However one thing I have realized, I do not love hot dog lunches, oh how I missed my vegetables!
I truely enjoy the outdoors, camping and swimming, and especially traveling. 16 hours in our van with my family driving through the prairies… another crazy adventure.
I’m so excited to see how God will shape my life through this trip. 

4 responses to “Laura Koornneef”

  1. Hey! Welcome to the team!! I have a feeling we will get along great..I hate hot dog lunches too..=)
    Can’t wait to meet ya!!

  2. Hey Laura, Wow three days before the deadline, sounds very familiar with my application process, it’s really tough being behind the 8 ball now though hey. O well, hopefully God will provide everything for this trip,…and welcome, lookin forward to meeting you.