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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi there I hope every one is well! I don’t know about every one else, but I expect that god will challenge us and push us way beyond our comfort zone.  I expect i will see hunger, devastation, sorrow, sadness, and death.  I also am expecting and really hoping that through this trip i will gain new friends across the world and that together we can grow closer to god!

3 responses to “my expectations of this trip”

  1. well put! i hope everything is going well for you in your preparation and everything! cant wait to meet you:)

  2. Awesome!
    It’s going to be so cool to go through this experience as a team, doing life together and developing memories. Can’t wait! God bless, man.

  3. i believe God will most definitely push us waay beyond our comfort zone.
    new friends? yeah. that’s awesome! that’s one of the things i love about going on this trip 🙂