
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My expectations, worries, thoughts, prayers, fears and hopes for
the trip…

1.) I expect God will do so much more than I could imagine.

2.) I’m worried I won’t fit in when I get back to school.

3.) I except I’ll make live long relationships.

4.) I except I’ll cry.

5.) I expect I’ll miss my friends and will want to be at school, but
also know that I’ll want to go straight back to Kenya when I do get back to

6.) I except to hear a story,; that will break my heart.

7.) I expect to laugh!

8.) I’m afraid my funding own come in.

9.) I’m sure I’ll be so sick of PB by the end of the trip.

10.) I’m sure I’ll run out of room on my camera, and run out of
tapes to record.

11.) I except to change and see God do something great through all
of us.

12.) I hope to learn something.

13.) I want to be challenged!

14.) I want to learn what I truly, means to lean on God and not our
own understandings. To see God fulfill needs! 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. 

~Proverbs 3:5-6


One response to “My Expectations, Worries, Hopes, Thoughts, Prayers and Fears for the Trip”

  1. I am so with you girl! To truly know what it means in pr 3:5 and then live it would be so extraordinary! Your list sound exactly what is in my heart right now so I know you and I are going to get along great!!