
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The Change is Necessary


Part II


story of Jesus clearing the Temple
doesn’t end with Him just doing a nice cleaning job.  It goes on in Matthew
to say that once Jesus had kicked out the money changers and marketers that He
started healing the blind and lame and children started running around crying
out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”.  We
are not just getting cleaned out.  We are
getting prepared for the great things that God is planning to do in us.  Eyes are going to be opened to Christ.  People are going to start walking in His
light.  People are going to start praising
God for the great things He has done and is going to do. 

I am so excited for the Body of
Christ that I get the privilege to be a part of on this trip.  We have been sharing with each other all the
things that we have been freed from this past week and I just know that God has
something big planned for us… even if this “big” thing is played out in the
“small” things of life.

I just want to encourage anyone who
is reading this blog to think about the state of your Temple… the very core of your being.  First, who or what is the god of your Temple?  Yourself? 
Success?  Money?  Friends? 
Music?  God?  Second, what’s going on in there?  Is this a place of chaos?  A place of peace?  A place of escape?  A place you try and avoid?  What is it that makes this place
function?  I don’t know where you are at
or if you care that I care where you are at. 
But I will let you know that it has been an absolutely freeing
experience to allow Christ to be the God of my Temple and to allow the activities of my
heart to be centered on Him.  Now don’t
get me wrong… I know I’m not perfect and I definitely am not focusing on Christ
100% of the time, regretfully.  But I
think I am well on my way to doing that. 
I have seen great things He is doing in my heart and am getting excited
about the things He will continue to do as I start to give up more of me and
take up more of Him.  Still… this process
is very humbling and can be quite painful at times.  However, amidst the struggle I would say that
it is so worth it.  The change is