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Hi there all! I am so excited to be a part of the team. I cannot wait to meet all of you and continue to grow in Christ with you. Here’s a little background on me. I cheated and just pulled it from my blog.
tempted to make this read like a story, but there is so much to say
that it would become a novel. Instead I will just highlight a few
I was born in Thailand into a missionary family, and have spent almost
half of my life over there. I never thought the missions field was for
me, but here I am. I spent 11 months in Chiang Mai, TH in ’04-’05
working as an independent missionary at an international school, and I
was hooked. Christ has really laid it upon my heart to go out into the
nations and share what He has done. I had the huge privilege of doing
the World Race* in Sept ’07. I really feel like that was such a pivotal
point in my life because Christ revealed some major areas that I needed
to work on in order to look and act more like Him. I feel like a new
person now that I have completed that. It is a daily task, and the
“Christian” life is not often easy…but it has been far more rewarding
than I ever anticipated.
I feel so fortunate to be given the opportunities to travel the world
while witnessing both His majestic landscapes and His destitute
children; His beloved and His broken. God continues to mold me, and I
am not as weary of guidance as I once was. Praise God for the changes
He has done in me!
I am very close with my family and I love each one of them very much.
I’m a bit of a gypsy and find it easy to relocate at the drop of a
hat…or plane ticket. I’ve been known to take ridiculously long road
trips just because I can. My earthly passions are music and photography.

*If you aren’t familiar with the World Race, I recommend you look up a bit of info at
Feel free to e-mail me or add me on facebook–[email protected]


6 responses to “Traci VanSumeren”

  1. Well Traci it seems like you have had quite the adventuresome life. Me, I’ve lived in Kansas forever…love to travel…but never have done much. I think I would call that polar opposites! I am stoked to meet you! This is going to be amazing!

    By the way, that bio pic is amazing!

  2. Wow what an exciting life! I must admit I think Im slightly jealous 😉 It will be so great to have you on our trip!! Can’t wait to meet you!

  3. Hey ! Sounds Awesome! Really glad to have such an experienced missionarey on the team! Look forward to meeting you!